Do you believe that university life is about more than classes, assignments, studying and weekends? Are you interested in finding more meaning and purpose in your life? Do you enjoy listening to and sharing ideas with others? Then, please join our weekly Bible discussion group.

Campus Bible Talk meets every Monday during the school year (except during holidays and during Reading Week Breaks) at Athabasca Hall, Heritage Lounge, at 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

You may also email us anytime at

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Notes from Prayer - part I

Last night we focused on "Prayer - part I."  We discussed about how we can pray to God, what to say and what are some things that we can ask from God.  We looked at the importance of prayer in our lives, to guide our thoughts and our decisions and to realize what blessings God has already given us.

Here are the notes from last night's talk.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Prayer - part I

Our topic for tonight's Campus Bible Talk is "Prayer - part I."  We will look at Jesus' prayer in the Bible and how He teaches us to pray.  The importance and the purpose of prayer will also be discussed from the Biblical point of view.

Please join us at 6:00 p.m. at the Athabasca Hall, the Heritage lounge.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Notes from Making Decisions

Our Bible Talk yesterday focused on learning how to make decisions in accordance with Biblical principles.  We looked at the need to pray to God and ask for His guidance in our life.  We talked about the importance of considering the consequences and the outcomes of our decisions.  Lastly, we meditated on a few verses from the Bible about the need to place our decisions in the hands of God, trusting that He will bless us with what we need.

Below are the notes from his talk.  Feel free to review them and share them with friends.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Making Decisions

Tonight's topic is "Making Decisions".  Everyone is welcome for a discussion on how we make decisions.  We will explore how to take into consideration a few principles from the Bible before making a decision.  Our meeting place is Athabasca Hall, the Heritage Lounge, at 6:00 p.m. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Giving Thanks to God

Last evening we hosted a traditional Canadian thanksgiving dinner.  We had turkey, ham, gravy, all the trimmings, and, of course, pumpkin pie.  After dinner, everyone enjoyed a game of dominoes and cards.

Let us remember that Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks to God.  We can thank our God for who He is: a loving and kind God, patient with us, wanting us to be saved and not lost.  We should always thank our God, in all circumstances in our lives, because we know that with God we can overcome everything.  And we need to be thankful to God for one another, helping one another and carrying each other’s burden, with a thankful heart.

Below are the notes from my sermon last Sunday at the South Edmonton Church of Christ.  Please use them for your own personal study or share them with your friends.

Next Monday, October 18, we will meet as usually on campus for our Bible talk.  I hope to see everyone at 6:00 p.m. at Athabasca Hall, in the Heritage Lounge. 


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Notes from Qualities of God

Last night we talked about "Qualities of God."  We noted how God is spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and in truth.  Then, we discussed the idea of God being holy and righteous and how we should strive to become holy, just as God is holy, and to be righteous in our thoughts and deeds.  Finally, we concluded with the thought of God being our creator and as such he knows best what we need and how we can overcome our problems and our trials.

Please find below the notes from this talk.  Hopefully, they will be useful to you in your studies.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Qualities of God

We have the Heritage Lounge back tonight and, since the weather is cold and rainy, we will meet indoors.  The topic of tonight's talk is "Qualities of God."  If you ever wondered what God is like, please join us for a discussion on some of the characteristics of God.  We meet, as usually, at 6:00 p.m.  Everyone is welcome.